Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Review: Teaching in the Cyberage

Nelson (2001) Teaching in the Cyberage is worth reading for those of us who are just starting to incorporate technology into the classroom. It begins with an amalgamation of the major tenets of brain-compatible learning as discussed in Sywester (1995), Fogarty (1997), Caine and Caine (1991), Kovalik (1993) and Sousa (1995). This summary alone makes the book worth signing out of the library. Some of the topics include: meaning and relevance, emotions, repetition and rehearsal, prior knowledge, adequate time, immediate feedback, collaboration, reflection, safe and nurturing environment, active learning, choice, pattern seeking, and chunking.

There is a portion called, “What does a well-designed internet activity look like?” which includes web site evaluation questions. There are many lesson examples which are tailored to those of us with little prior knowledge. These also include rubrics!! Many of the activities are designed with multiple intelligences in mind with evaluations that take these into account.

There is a description of various interpersonal on-line exchanges and how they can be utilized in the classroom (with suggestions for all subjects). There is even a lesson plan for an on-line field trip.

And for those of us who like to have the information summarized in charts, this book caters to us. I especially enjoy the charts that list specific learning outcomes with technological activities to match.

Appendix A includes 9 pages of educational websites including descriptions.


Nelson, K. (2001). Teaching in the Cyberage. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc..>
Common themes emerging in recent neuroscientific research are introduced and then applied to the classroom through technology.
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